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European Association for Integrative Therapy and Supervision – EAIT – is an umbrella organization for integrative therapists, supervisors, training institutes and organizations for integrative therapy in Europe. The association was founded in 2007.

safe the date!

next General Assembly 3rd of April 2025

at 7pm on Zoom

The European Association for Integrative Therapy and Supervision (EAIT) and Norsk forening for integrativ terapi (NFIT) in cooperation with the Supervisors’ network NOSCO in ANSE held the 1. EAIT Conference in Oslo, in June 2019.

In May 2022 the second conference was hold at the EAG/FPI Institut at Beversee on the theme "Co-creativity in a world at risk". Again we enjoyed joint competence, inspiration, professional relations and strengthed our ties across the borders. That also provides an excellent opportunity to obtain updates in research in the field.


The next general assembly will be in 2025 on Zoom


Above two recordings from Keynote speaker Prof. Dr.mult. Hilarion Petzold held in Oslo, Norway

Main goals of the association are to spread Integrative Therapy as a method of psychotherapy to represent Integrative Therapy in national and international professional communities to encourage and perform scientific research in its field to advance its recognition in the different European countries


So far members come from Norway, the Netherlands, Germany, Luxemburg, France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia. In Austria Integrative Therapy is legally recognized as a method of psychotherapy. The Department for Psychosocial Medicine and Psychotherapy is the responsible body for certified training in Integrative Therapy.

Prof. Dr.mult. Hilarion G. Petzold acts as honorary president of the EAIT.

2020 European Association for Integrative Therapy and Supervision (EAIT)

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